Sister Batten Productions hosted Exclusive Film Partnership presentation for ‘Second II Chance’ the Movie

Saturday, Sister Batten Productions, a Faith-Based film company, hosted one of its exclusive partnership opportunity for their upcoming film ‘Second II Chance’ the Movie.

The event held in Temecula, California at the scenic Lukes on Front Street, brought together individuals from the faith-based community to gain information on partnering toward the costs of funding the upcoming feature film, scheduled to debut in early 2018.

An array of individuals and ministries took part in the exclusive screening of a previous award winning film by Sister Batten productions, ‘Walking in the Spirit’, as well as the teaser trailer for ‘Second II Chance’ the movie.  Attendees gained information from the materials and presentations by filmmaker Tina Batten, her management team representated by Tony Smith of KASE Qtr Productions and her publicist/communications team represented by Gina Smith of SPMG Media.

Faith-based films are a growing, often profitable segment of the entertainment industry, and more producers and executives are trying to tap into the market for belief-affirming movies. The 2015 prayer-focused hit “War Room” cost just $3 million to make but grossed $67.8 million in box-office receipts. “Miracles From Heaven” and the biblical epic “Risen” have generated strong business despite opening only a few weeks apart.

Sister Batten Productions has offered an opportunity to individuals and ministries to partner in the first round of funding for this upcoming film. Through the efforts of her team, they are working on incorporating TV broadcasting (Aspire, The Word Network, TBN, etc.) , on-demand broadcasting (Hulu, Netflix, Pure Flix, etc.), as well as a theater distribution deal for this film.

Attendees and those unable to attend but connected online –  were excited to join this profitable and life-changing venture.

This is a great vehicle for those interested in breaking into the profitable faith-based film industry. Our initial investors will be onboard with us as we incorporate distributors for this film and THAT is where we’ll see huge profits when we distribute to 500 or more theaters around the country,” states Gina Smith, SPMG Media.

Learn more about this opportunity:

Second II Chance – The Movie



Glory Alexandra Walker-Cooper is a long ways away from her days as an Evangelist. She has experienced firsthand how one spontaneous decision can severely change the course of one’s life in a blink of an eye.

Having lived through the horrors that come with the loss of her mother due to complications of a stroke as an adolescent, a failed marriage and having killed her sister while in a drunken state, Glory is deeply scarred and shows nothing but bitterness towards GOD.

 As part of her probation, she sets out to help improve the lives of troubled young adults enrolled at the Second Chance Community Recreation Center, a juvenile court appointed program where she works as the facilitator.

 Unknowingly, Glory’s disobedience towards GOD has a reflection on the success of the government program through her direct connection to everyone at the facility. Glory is slow to realize that in order to release all the many blessings GOD has stored up for her life, she must surrender completely to GOD, overcome the guilt from past mistakes and begin to Let Go and Let GOD! Only then will she be granted her Second Chance.

This film promotes healing and reconciliation. Healing of those deeply embedded wounds from the past and serves as a call to Repentance!